
Friday, January 15, 2010

Dr.Sanjay Gupta Treats 15-Day Old Baby in Haiti

My heart broke and a tear came to my eye this evening as I watched Dr. Sanjay Gupta, care for a 15 day old baby in Haiti. The baby had suffered head injuries due to the earthquake two days ago. The baby's mother had died and the father too distraught to leave his wife's side. It was the baby's uncle who was desperately seeking help when he came upon Dr. Gupta.

The sight was so heartbreaking. To see this innocent baby caught in the tragedy really hit my heart. These people do not deserve what has happened to them. As one of the poorest countries in the world, they are in desperate need of assistance in getting through this.

Clean Water For Haiti is an organization dedicated to providing clean water to the people of Haiti. They have made contact to confirm they are alive and need help in moving the efforts forward.

Please visit this website to learn from a direct source what's happening in Haiti.
Also visit the website
to make a donation.



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