
Friday, July 23, 2010

Can you Go on a Shopping Diet?

Our culture teaches us so much about consumption that we are always buying something new.  Yesterday while reading the New York Times I came across an interesting story in the Fashion & Style section.  It was about an experiment called Six Items or Less.  It reminded me of when I had made the decision about 6 years ago to go on a Shoe Diet.  I went for a whole 6 months without buying a pair of shoes. Believe me, it was hard.

When I saw this challenge of wearing only six items in your closet for an entire month I was intrigued.  This experiment challenges you to be creative because accessories are not limited, only the clothing items.  Do you think you could do it?  I don't know if I could.  I admit I haven't shopped in months and have been simply what I call 'shopping in my closet'.  Wearing what I already have...which is a lot.  But, I don't know if I would have been able to do what these people have done.

Watch the video and see.

If you want to try the challenge go to the website and join the others around the world who've taken the challenge.  Share your thoughts with me about what you think.

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